Create it.

Are you an excellent technician but never quite got the hang of writing to compel? Or do you know exactly what you want to convey, but you just can’t quite get the words right?

Whether you need something written from scratch or want an expert partner to work with you to make that copy just how you pictured it, I can help. My copywriting experience includes blog posts, white papers, grants, informational pamphlets, product descriptions, academia, ghostwriting, fiction, and complete website copy. Contact me today to discuss your needs or inquire about specific examples of my work.


Refine it.

So you’ve got your resume all neatly typed, but you have the sneaking suspicion you aren’t getting any callbacks because your writing is lackluster. Maybe you’ve finally finished your novel, but you need someone to proofread it to improve your odds of getting published.

You’ve come to the right place. With over a decade of editing and proofreading under my belt, I know how to handle your copy with care. I know how to keep the writer’s voice intact while streamlining your copy for ease of reading. Whether it’s one page or one thousand, I will take the same level of care whatever the project. Contact me today about your project for pricing and scheduling.